
  • Morning 8:00 am to 10:00 am
  • Afternoon 4:00 pm to 06:00 pm

Course Description

This course offers deep learning experience in PHP programming, MySql database and Laravel framework along with operational use of HTML, CSS and Javascripts.
The stundent who complete this course successfully will be able to build and host mid-size web applications

Course Details

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Teaching Methedology

Our aim to to offer a deep learning experience to the candidates which will make them capable of working independently on their projects. The course is designed to start from the basic concepts and gradually move to the more advanced concepts. If you are a novice and have no prior exposure to web technologies, you can still complete this course successfully.

A batch generally consists of 5 to 8 students. This allows us to give focussed attention to every student and guage his or her learning curve.
classroom Learning
The classroom learning process involves, theory, live demos, Q & A sessions and exercises. We ensure active participation from all students in these sessions as they lay the foundation of the learning process
The student has to go through 6 assessments, each having 30 queastions(in MCQ format). These assessment are conducted after completion of each major module. The student is expected to score a minimum of 60% in each assessment. This helps them to stay focussed on the current learning level
The student is given practical exposure through 3 projects. Each project is sequentially done with increasing level of complexity and skills. The final project is a full functional application

Who Can Apply

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  • Anyone who has cleared 10th or 12th Exam and want to persue a career in Web applications development
  • Anyone who is persuing Engineering (with Computers) or BCA or MCA degrees and want to have an indepth learning project experience in Web devlopment
  • Anyone who is persuing Engineering (with Computers) or BCA or MCA degrees and want to have an in-depeth learning and project experience in Web devlopment
  • Anyone who is in to any other business or proffession and wants to switch or diversify into web applications development domain

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for Advance PHP Web development Program